Topics covered include literary criticism, American history and culture, geography and world cultures, military history, popular culture, race and ethnicity, religion, science, security studies, the arts, women's studies, and world history.
Black Short Fiction and Folklore brings together 82,000 pages and more than 11,000 works of short fiction produced by writers from Africa and the African Diaspora from the earliest times to the present.
Black Women Writers presents 100,000 pages of literature and essays on feminist issues, written by authors from Africa and the African diaspora, documenting the evolution of black feminism.
An invenory of publications in writing studies, including post-secondary composition, rhetoric, technical writing, ESL, and discourse analysis from 1939-present.
It combines and cross-references over 165,000 author names, including pseudonyms and variant names, and listings for over 215,000 titles into one source
Gale's Literary Index provides quick and easy access to author and title listings from over 130 literature products from Gale and the imprints Charles Scribner's Sons, St. James Press, and Twayne Publishers. The referenced products themselves will contain complete biographies on authors and critical essays on their writings.
Historical Abstracts covers modern world history (excluding the United States and Canada which are covered in America: History and Life) from 1450 to the present.
Archival scholarly journals and books in history, economics, political science, demography, mathematics, humanities and social sciences. Some current issues are available now.
Comprehensive and reliable online literature database. Contemporary Authors, Contemporary Authors New Revisions, Dictionary of Literary Biography, Contemporary Literary Criticism and other Gale sources.
A rich and varied literature solution, PQLL foregrounds multiple literary traditions and perspectives. Editorially created topic pages and full-text journals and periodicals provide authoritative criticism and reference content.