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Measuring Your Research Impact

How Do You Maximize Your Impact?

Make your scholarship more visible and discoverable by using some of the following strategies, services and tools:

  • always use one form of your name on all research publications; consistency enhances retrieval across multiple resources
  • create your own unique author identifier number using resources like ORCID, ResearcherID, Google Scholar Profiles
  • create your researcher profile; a few free profile resources are ResearchGateLinkedInAcademia.Edu
  • evaluate the impact of publishers and presses before submitting a manuscript; beware of predatory publishers
  • use social media to discuss and publicize your research; utilize social media platforms, blogs, websites
  • publish a preprint version of your scholarly paper (if allowed) in SSRN, PsyArXiv, arXiv, NBER, or other preprint servers.

Publish or Perish