1. Find the right journal for your work
- DOAJ - a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.
- Elsevier Journal Finder - Search Elsevier journals to find possible journals that match areas of research.
- Springer Journal Suggester - Search Springer and BioMed Central journals to find possible journals that match areas of research.
2. Assess the journal's quality.
- Think Check Submit - Follow this check list to help you choose trusted journals for your research.
3. Find the journal's impact score.
4. Consider Open Access (OA) journals.
- Perpetual access to documents
- Increased visibility of scientific literature
- Increased impact of publications: increase in citations of authors and publications
- Increased visibility of institutions
5. Be sure to look at the copyright license.
- It is important to know what type of license you sign with your publisher concerning copyright. This license affects your ownership of your scholarship and any subsequent use of your article. More about author right from SPARC.