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Measuring Your Research Impact

Social/Cultural Impact Measures

What is the social or cultural impact of your scholarship output?

If your scholarship is not cited in bibliometric resources, other things like news publications, reviews, recordings, videos, screenings, exhibitions, grants awarded and/or prizes won can be indicative of the cultural or social influence.

Additionally, you may want to consider finding altmetrics that can include social media mentions, citations in Wikipedia, and references in grey literature (government documents, ephemera, policy papers, white papers, newsletters, and working papers).

Performances, Screenings, Exhibitions

The impact of a performance, screening or exhibition can be shown by

  • the number of performances
  • ticket sales
  • external reviews
  • external peer reviews
  • where reviews were published
  • information on the performance venue
  • online videos, views, shares, downloads
  • whether it's a juried performance