Elon now provides digital access to the Washington Post to all Elon students, staff, and faculty.
It's easy to sign up:
Step 1: Go to the Washington Post site here.
Step 2: Click "Sign In" in the upper right corner.
Step 3: Cilck the "Sign Up" link in the lower right to register your new account.
Step 4: Enter your Elon email account. Then choose a password and click "Create Account."
NOTE: You must use your Elon email!
Step 5: Once you've created your account, your username will appear at the top right of the Washington Post page
Click on your username, then select My Post. Then click "Manage Account" at the top right.
Step 6: On the Profile tab, check to see if your email is Verified. If not, click the link to send an email.
Then go to the Subscription & Billing tab. Click on the box that says Activate free digital access.