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Faculty and Staff Resources at Belk Library

A guide to assist faculty and staff with research and teaching

Course reserves

Materials such as books, CDs, and DVDs may be placed on reserve in the library.

Please remember to allow 3 working days for materials to be placed on reserve. At the beginning of the semester, allow one week for materials to be placed on reserve.

Please contact Lynn Melchor (336.278.6580, with any reserves questions.

Reserving videos for the classroom

To ensure audiovisual materials are available for instruction on the correct date or to see if the materials are already reserved for that week by you or someone else, please contact Lynn Melchor (336.278.6580, to reserve the materials.

We have one copy of most videos, so the reservation system is on a first come first served basis. We are willing to arbitrate and negotiate times for faculty!

If you want to show a video outside of the classroom, please review the video viewing rights below to make sure you have the legal rights to do so.