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History of the Mexican Revolution

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Citation Resources

The most often used citation style for History is:

 Chicago Manual of Style Online


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Finding Sources

Also known as "Scholarly Articles," "Peer-Reviewed Articles," or "Academic Articles," these are:

  • Written and reviewed by scholars and provide new research, analysis, or information about a specific topic.
    • "Review" means the article is approved by other experts before publication
  • Usually focused on a narrow subject or a single case study
  • Intended for an academic audience

Why You Should Use Them:

  • Information is based on research and expertise
  • Information is detailed and focused on a narrow topic
  • The peer-review process (mostly) insures that the information is accurate
  • They add to a growing understanding of a topic by contributing new ideas

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Books written by scholars are a good source of information for many topics. 

Why You Should Use Them:

  • Written on a broad subject
  • Easier to read than journal articles, and written for a broad audience
  • University press books undergo an editorial process
  • May contain a collection of chapters written by different authors
  • Contain less recent information, due to the lengthy publication process

Remember: you may only need to read one chapter of a scholarly book!

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Search Belk Library's online system to find both library materials and articles in our databases. Use the search box below to do a basic search on library materials and databases.


Interlibrary Loan:

Use these resources to find historical newspaper articles online.

Why You Should Use Them: 

  • May be considered a primary source if written at the time an event occurred
  • May include eyewitness or firsthand accounts of events
  • Frequently include other primary source objects like photographs, editorials, political cartoons, letters to the editor, advertisements, etc.

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Documentaries, videos, and photographs are great resources for research in the social sciences. They are available through several online streaming platforms in the library's database collection.

Why You Should Use Them:

  • They preserve important events or moments in time
  • They educate us and raise awareness
  • Focus is on real-life events and people

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