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Indigenous Research, Writing, and Studies

This guide provides access to resources through Belk Library and beyond to educate on research with Native American communities, information on the traditional stewards of the land where Elon University is built, and highlight literary and academic work b

Food Sovereignty

Indigenous food sovereignty is a fundamental concept that encompasses the rights and practices of Indigenous communities to control and manage their traditional food systems in a manner that aligns with their cultural, spiritual, and ecological values. It extends beyond mere access to food and addresses the deeper connection that Indigenous peoples have with the land, water, and the resources it provides. This holistic approach acknowledges the importance of preserving and revitalizing traditional knowledge and agricultural practices, while also ensuring self-determination in food production and distribution. Indigenous food sovereignty empowers these communities to determine what is grown, harvested, and consumed, fostering self-sufficiency, resilience, and the preservation of diverse and nutritious diets that are deeply rooted in their heritage. It is a vital aspect of Indigenous rights and a means to combat food insecurity, cultural loss, and environmental degradation.

Readings and Resources

Films Available through Belk Library