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Indigenous Research, Writing, and Studies

This guide provides access to resources through Belk Library and beyond to educate on research with Native American communities, information on the traditional stewards of the land where Elon University is built, and highlight literary and academic work b

Native Cooking

Native American cooking represents the deep-rooted connection between indigenous communities and their natural surroundings. These ancient culinary traditions revolve around interdependence with the land, featuring ingredients like maize (corn), beans, squash, and wild game taking center stage. Cooking methods such as pit roasting, smoking, and drying are employed to preserve and enhance the unique flavors of these elements. Meals are often communal, reinforcing the significance of family and community in preserving cultural heritage and passing down time-honored culinary wisdom. Native American cooking exemplifies the resilience and resourcefulness of indigenous people, ensuring that their food traditions continue to thrive and adapt in the modern world.

Readings and Resources