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MUS 1320: Materials of Music II

Research resources for the My Song Project

Music scores in Belk Library

Music scores are located on the 3rd floor of Belk Library. Scores are grouped by primary instrument type or vocal form.

Instrumental scores

  • Scores for piano and other keyboard instruments - call numbers start with M 786.2
  • Scores for stringed instruments (violin, bass, guitar) - call numbers start with M 787
  • Scores for wind instruments (saxophone, trombone, trumpet) - call numbers start with M 788

Vocal scores

  • Scores for operas - call numbers start with M 782.1
  • Scores for liturgy and ritual - call numbers start with M 782.3
  • Scores for popular music - call numbers start with M 782.4

Jazz and Popular Music

Classical Music Scores

Sheet music

Purchase (in most cases) and download Broadway and other genres of sheet music from:

Pre-1800 Printed Editions and Manuscripts