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Office of Inclusive Excellence Education & Development

This guide will provide additional resources for Elon faculty and staff interested in diving deeper into topics around Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice.

  • Inclusive Community Conversations is a series for faculty and staff to engage in dialogue about current issues related to identity, critical consciousness, anti-bias, equity, inclusion and more to generate personal and collective reflection and engagement.
  • Dialogue is defined as “a process of genuine interaction through which human beings listen to each other deeply enough to be changed by what they learn. Each makes a serious effort to take other’s concerns into their own picture, even when disagreement persists. No participant gives up their identity, but each recognizes enough of the other’s valid human claims so that they will act differently toward the other.” (Dr. Harold Saunders, Board Chair and Founder of Sustained Dialogue Institute)
  • According to Dr. Kathryn Sorrell's Intercultural Praxis model, dialogue is an entry point is an to understand and address the intersection of cultural differences.
  • Dialogue initiatives are learning opportunities that engage faculty and staff in advancing their intercultural learning and competencies which aligns with one of the objective of the Thrive theme in the Boldly Elon strategic plan
  • Engaging in Dialogues encourages self-reflection, promotes empathy and perspective-taking, raises awareness of contemporary social issues, and creates space for marginalized and alternative narratives to be heard. (these also connect with the mission of my office)

  • For Inclusive Community Conversations, participants are asked to engage in advance with a form of media (e.g., short reading, video, etc.) as a prompt to begin the dialogue. During the dialogue participants will engage in a World Cafe  style dialogue about the topic. After the event,  in collaboration with Belk Library, participant will be exposed to additional resources to further their reflection and understanding about the topic.