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CSC 1100


Whether you're on campus, at home, or traveling, these two links (PolicyMap and Social Explorer) should recognize you're an Elon affiliate.

  • If you're on campus or using VPN, access is seamless (just click and you'll be taken to the site).
  • If you're off campus, when you click each link you should see the Elon SSO. Just sign in with your Elon username and password - no further action needed!

Questions? Difficulties?

Other Data Sources

Looking for something a little more specific? Many students have found useful datasets in places like:

  • Google Dataset Search - exactly what it sounds like, and helpfully also searches the database listed below (Statista)
  • Statista - a friendly database that showcases data in a wide range of topics. Need more details? Statista will always link you to the source of that data.

When you're looking for data, one of the most important questions to ask is: "who else is interested in this topic?" Collecting, cleaning, and sharing data costs time and (often also) money. Figuring out who else has an interest in your topic is a step in the right direction.

You're always welcome to contact me to chat about finding niche data, getting any of the resources mentioned above to cooperate, or anything else related to data!