Take some time and work with your group to search for information in your assigned area. Use the questions below to guide your search. After a few minutes, your group will share what they found with the class.
Your best friend is concerned about mental health issues among college students. They want to find two authoritative sources on this topic. Using your group's assigned link, search for information on this topic.
Your younger sister is working on a poster project for her high school history class. She wants to talk about Valentine's Day in different countries and cultures. Using your group's assigned link, help her find items that she could use to inform this project. She needs at least two citations to include in her poster.
Your roommate is learning about the UN's sustainable development goals in their own COR 1100 class. They want to focus on issues around homelessness for an upcoming research paper, and they need at least two sources. Using your group's assigned link, help them discover more information.