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Faculty and Staff Resources at Belk Library

A guide to assist faculty and staff with research and teaching

Faculty Workshops

Belk Library offers the following faculty workshops at least once a year and some once a semester. Please check back for dates and times for upcoming workshops. Belk librarians are also available for one-on-one consultations to answer questions and discuss your research and scholarly activities.

Faculty Scholarship In-Progress Lunch & Learn Events

In partnership with the Provost’s Office for Scholarship and Creative Activity, Elon faculty give lightning talks about ongoing or recently completed professional activity. Events typically occur once a semester and provide opportunities to connect with faculty and staff outside of your department/school and discover what scholarly activity looks like across the university.

Evidence Synthesis Workshop

This workshop introduces secondary research – evidence syntheses – as a method to produce meaningful work without gathering original data. It covers the steps in a typical evidence synthesis, discusses the different methods/tools/standards used in this work, and showcases real examples from the literature.

Research Impacts Workshop

This workshop discusses tools and resources to help faculty and staff explore and measure the impact of their research, scholarship, and other professional activities. Typically occurring once a semester, it is designed to help you tell your story for promotion and tenure, grant-writing, and building your professional network.

Open Access: Making Your Research Free to All

This workshop covers the ins and outs of open access (OA), various models for funding OA publications, the benefits and drawbacks of OA, and why you might want to consider OA for your next publication. Learn about Belk Library's transformative agreements and how they can help facilitate open access at Elon.

Open Educational Resources (OER) Workshop

This one-hour workshop will introduce and define open educational resources (OER) and some motivations for faculty to incorporate OER and open pedagogy in the classroom. Attendees will become familiar with the different types of OER, where to find OER repositories, and understand the different types of open licensing through Creative Commons which enables users to adopt and reuse materials.