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Basically, you capitalize a lot fewer words in Spanish than in English. Capitalize the first word of a title and any personal names or places (Miami, España). DO NOT capitalize other nouns or days of the week, religions, or nationalities.
You will want to check the words the article title AND the journal title.
Example of WRONG capitalization (straight from citation builder in the catalog):
Domínguez López Ernesto, et al. “Nueva Inmigración Y Comunidad Cubana En Estados Unidos En Los Albores Del Siglo Xxi.” Migraciones Internacionales, vol. 8, no. 4, 2016, pp.105–136.
Example of CORRECT capitalization (and with fixed author names):
Dominguez Lopez, Ernesto, et al. "Nueva inmigración y comunidad cubana en Estados Unidos en los albores del siglo XXI." Migraciones internacionales vol. 8, no. 4, 2016, pp. 105-136.