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PHS Senior Seminar Research Guide

This guide offers research tools and techniques to help you successfully navigate the Public Health Studies Senior Seminar course.


Citation Gecko

If you're comfortable using Zotero, then you are ready to unlock its full potential by pairing it with Citation Gecko. With your permission, Citation Gecko will access your Zotero library and pull in the "seed papers" you choose to build citation networks. These networks allow you to visualize how the literature you've found connects, discover new papers that cite or are cited by your articles, and identify the key literature in your subject by representing highly cited publications with large nodes and representing publications with lower citation counts with smaller nodes. You can also easily export newly discovered literature back to Zotero and iterate the whole process as many times as you need.


Zotero now has a quick and accurate tool to create a bibliography entry!

  • go to
  • enter a URL (website), ISBN (book), DOI (online article), PMID (PubMed), arXiv ID (author), or title
  • click on the Cite button
  • select a Bibliography style
  • copy to clipboard to paste into your document
  • formatted citations are stored in your browser until you delete them

Citation Guide Links

As great as Zotero and Zbib are at automatically generating citations and references, little errors get by them from time-to-time and they have the occasional odd glitch, too. Use this link to see the library Guide to Citation Styles to make sure you don't have any issues with your references so you avoid accidental plagiarism.