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Interactive Media

Use Google Scholar off campus

First set your preferences to Elon University before you begin using Google Scholar so you can access the articles when you're away from campus:

  1. Go to the Google Scholar webpage
  2. Click on the "hamburger" menu (3 vertical bars), then on Settings  Settings
  3. Click on "Library links"
  4. Search for "Elon University"
  5. Check the boxes next to "Elon University - Belk Library Elon University" and "ELON UNIVERSITY - ProQuest Fulltext"
  6. Search for "worldcat"
  7. Check the box next to "Open WorldCat - Library Search"
  8. The list of library links should now have checked boxes next to these three items:

Elon University Belk Library Elon University, Elon University ProQuest Fulltext, Open WorldCat Library Search

7. Click on "Save"

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Online News

  • BBC News -News from around the world reported by the BBC
  • CNN Interactive - current news stories reported by CNN
  • C-SPAN - provides public access to the political process
  • C-SPAN's CapitalNews - the latest updates from Capitol Hill, the White House and National Politics
  • Fox News - the leading US conservative news network
  • History News Service - an informal syndicate of professional historians who seek to improve the public's understanding of current events by setting these events in their historical contexts
  • National Public Radio - international and national news
  • - old newspapers articles
  • NewsLinks - provides access to home pages of magazines, newspapers, and radio and televison stations
  • NewsWatch - consumer's guide to news; nonpartisan analysis of the media
  • Public Agenda Online - nonpartisan, nonprofit public opinion research and citizen education
  • Radio Stations on the Internet - links to over 800 stations worldwide; many stations broadcast over the internet
  • - this private intelligence company presents news and commentary on political, social, military, and economic trends worldwide
  • Total News - create your own "personal edition" news; links to major news sources, plus a search engine
  • U-Wire - a daily college media newswire produced by students, includes contributions from student publications.also contains CopyBoy, an online story archive

New York Times Digital Access

Elon provides digital access to the New York Times to all Elon students, staff, and faculty. 

It's easy to sign up:

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